Thursday, July 24, 2008

Crappy Day

In order to avoid being a Debbie Downer all the time, I decided to devote one day a week to positive, happy thoughts. That day was going to be Thursday, as I’m generally in a good mood, looking forward to the weekend and such.

I’m postponing this until next week.

The weather is foul today, and so is my mood. It’s days like this that lead me to conclude that people everywhere are pretty much assholes. Days like today are what inspired the title of my blog. Getting into, out of, and around the city can be enough of a hassle, so when umbrellas are introduced into the mix…ugh. Everybody’s trying to navigate the streets while knocking into each other. They hold up lines at every freaking door as they open and close their umbrellas, dripping everywhere. Again, just…ugh.

I’m also pissed at Heidi Klum and the other Project Runway judges. Not only because they got rid of the cuteness that was Wesley waaay too early, but also because that was a stupid fucking challenge. When Tim Gunn first described it, I was pretty pleased—a straightforward task with a little bit of a twist. Your model is your client, she needs a cocktail dress made only with environmentally friendly fabrics. No ridiculous or unnecessary complications, right?


Having the models pick the fabrics was the dumbest thing they’ve ever done on this show. It was typical reality TV bullshit based on the assumption that the most unexpected thing is the best. [Incidentally, this relates to the awesome thing I was to which I was going to devote happy thoughts today, Ricky Gervais’ podcast, which features his producer Karl Pilkington talking about how one of his better gifts to his girlfriend was a double pack of condoms because, as he says, “She warn’t expectin’ that.” Please download the Podfather, it’s $3 for 2 hours of funny.]

I’m all for unexpected twists that test what these people can really do, but this one took away control from the designers in a way that really blew. I don’t think any of them could really be held responsible for those designs. They were being judged on some bullshit criteria, and adorable Wesley paid the price. For shame, Heidi. For shame.


Blogger David Dust said...

Bravo isn't even TRYING on their last season of Project Runway, before Lifetime takes over. Which makes me want to 'vomit' - like Stella...

CLICK HERE for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.


3:34 PM  

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