Thursday, August 28, 2008

Reason #5 I'm Excited That Gossip Girl Is Almost Back

The Soundtrack

I love the Gossip Girl soundtrack something fierce.  I don’t mean an actual soundtrack, because nobody’s produced one.  Yet.  But time and time again, I find myself getting totally into at least one song per episode.  My Google search history has become a series of insane-looking inquiries.  For example:

“Gossip Girl song victor victrola burlesque strip.”

“Gossip Girl song slumber party Jenny pretty little problem.”

“Gossip Girl song French commercial.”

I realize that these look like the ravings of a lunatic with rather specific interests—if you take out the word “song,” actually, they even start to sound a bit gross and pervy: “girl burlesque French slumber party.”  Grody.

But this gets results!  My convoluted Googling has allowed me to track down a whole bunch of sexy-awesome songs which have made their way into regular rotation on my iPod.  The Sohodolls, the Virgins, Plastic Bertrand…I can’t get enough, and I’m super psyched to hear what the new season has to offer.

If you hear of any plans to release an actual Gossip Girl soundtrack, please let me know, and save me from freakish Internet searches and guesswork!  The first person to do so will earn my undying affection.  And something pretty.


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