Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reason #6 I'm Excited That Gossip Girl Is Almost Back

The Return of TV in General

OK, this one's not earth-shattering or anything, but it's #6 on a list of seven. Something has to be stuck in no-man's land. The summer has brought us the glory of the Olympics, a really soul-crushingly dull season of Project Runway (I mean, try to find one person from PR5 who's half as talented as Christian
or Jillian or Rami or Kit Pistol, or as delightful as Chris March; incidentally, I'd like to know exactly whom Terri has to fuck to win a challenge), and for a brave and freaky few of us, the annual freakshow that is Big Brother.

But it's time to get on with the regular TV season, and it all starts with Gossip Girl. Serena and Blair et al are the ones truly kicking off as Labor Day weekend comes to a close, and for a TV freak like me, it's hard not to see some symbolic importance in this. Every September, I recommit myself to a school-year's worth of not reading, not following politics in any serious or thoughtful way, and being majorly pissed when stupid shit like the World Series interferes with what's really important: Gossip Girl. And 30 Rock. And The Office. And maybe Ugly Betty, too.


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