Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Over It

Fuck off, Season 5 of Project Runway.

Tonight's episode really was the final nail in the coffin.  Bringing back eliminated contestants was not such a bad idea (more Wesley, please!), but there was no incentive for them to do well, meaning that farty fuckups like Keith were checked out from the beginning.  He's too fucking fragile to help sew?  Barf.  The producers should have offered some kind of token prize to motivate the losers and stop them from sabotaging.

Plus, bringing back former contestants like Christian, Jay, Daniel, and Alison only reminded me how much the newest group of designers sucks.  All the outfits this week looked like sweaty ass, including Terri's, which is a shame because she's the only one left who had shown any real talent (except maybe Leanne, who's been OK but would have been consistently at the bottom of the pile by this point of last season).  Based on past performance and being stuck with a turd of a partner, I think Terri should have been kept around for another week.  And if the crappiness of the designs wasn't bad enough, there is not one person in this cast who is witty, entertaining, or even just fucking pleasant.  They're trying too hard; they want to be walking catchphrases rather than designers; and they're just gross.

Fuck it.  I'm out, and I'm not looking back.


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