Thursday, September 04, 2008

Something That Is Awesome - 9/4

I just got a DVD recorder, and I think it's pretty awesome.

For several years now, the busted-ass VCR that sits under the TV in our basement has served only an aesthetic function.  It's been a chunk of something to fill in what would otherwise be an empty spot in the cabinet, and there was no need to bother replacing it, as the newer TV and digital cable seemed opposed to recording onto tapes.

I've made do for several years.  I went to school, so the technological deficiencies at home only bothered me for a few weeks at a time, and over the summer.  I managed to cope with catching only the very beginning or end of shows, or missing them altogether; I did my best to catch reruns; and I made liberal use of networks' online video players.  But seriously, enough is enough.

My brother and I have badgered my dad about getting Tivo or DVR for years now, and it's clearly a hopeless cause.  Not willing to bother with a monthly fee, I went the cheapass route and got the DVD recorder, which is just as basic as a VCR in most ways, except it records to blank DVDs (no shit, I know).  It's changing my life.  I am no longer a slave to the TV schedule.  I can set this thing to record the season premiere of ANTM (Go Marjorie & Isis!), head upstairs to watch the "important" political discourse with my parents, and--later on--bask in the unnatural orange glow of Jay Manuel, totally guilt-free.

Technology really is making my life more awesome--next on my list: a Roomba.


Blogger Unknown said...

i know i keep sending you links that you've probably already found on your own, but they've made me think of you so i can't resist!!

10:10 AM  

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