Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oof.  Happy hour with colleagues was pretty awesome, but I'm not feeling coherent enough to really process this week's awesome thing (which I have already planned, and which is, as some might say, 'how very').

A few things that are awesome & require no explanation to hold you over until my brain is hydrated once again:

Clive Owen
the fact that apparently my dad snuck into a shot of this week's SNL Weekend Update Thursday
Clive Owen
my dog & cat
Clive Owen

Not so awesome?  Jen & John apparently back together.  Oh, FUCK THAT.  If this is true, I'm officially no longer a member of Team Aniston.  The only way she can redeem herself now is to have seven of Clive Owen's babies.  (And the Safari spell check doesn't recognize "Jen" or "Owen's"?  WTF?)


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