Sunday, October 19, 2008


I'm annoyed.  Try to contain your shock.

This poster for Zack and Miri Make a Porno was banned in September by the MPAA for being too suggestive and replaced with this stick-figure version.

Because apparently the mere suggestion that consenting adults might engage in oral sex is too shocking for the public to handle.  Whatever.  I hear news like this, and I roll my eyes and move on with only a few bitter complaints.  Or I did, until I saw this poster for Saw V on the side of a New York City bus.

Oh my God--this freaks me the fuck out.  I'm completely grossed out by the Saw movies in general, and I'd prefer that the nauseating repulsiveness remain contained.  I will watch the movies, but I like knowing that images like this will stay where I know to expect them and not pop up now and then in my everyday life.  I seriously did not need to see that dude during my morning commute.  Especially since it took me a moment to realize exactly what's going on in the poster.  I did a terrified double-take and probably spooked a few tourists.

So apparently the lesson to be learned about our culture is: joking about blow jobs is shocking and unacceptable, but wearing somebody else's face is just swell.


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