Monday, November 09, 2009

Brief Thoughts on the Latest Gossip Girl

Firstly: YUCK, Lily--did we really need to hear about Rufus' "natural rhythm?" Ew, ew, ew, ewwwwwwww! I am banishing both of you from television until you think about what you've done and resume the acceptable position of parents on teen television shows. Which is total obliviousness about your children's activities and whereabouts at all times--even if you happen to be the parent of a vampire slayer. Seriously, how freaking out to lunch was Joyce Summers to not notice that Buffy never spent one night of her high school years at home? (Disclaimer--I'm only through Season Two so far, right when she gets a freaking clue & kicks Buffy out. Is this when she realizes she has another daughter hiding in the house somewhere?)

Serena's "cute," "down-to-earth," "aren't-I-adorable?" laugh needs to be shot in the face.

Quick flashback to last week, which I didn't write about because it was pretty solid: I'm totally baffled by the choice to have Maureen van der Bilt be the person behind the "drowning" scandal. If we're never going to hear from her again, then it was a really weird and random decision, wedged into the episode just to give some kind of resolution to the mystery of who--if not Old Dude van der Bilt--set up the scam. Which: did we really care that much anyway? And if it was the first step in character development for Maureen? Auuugh! Do we really need to add another tertiary character to the scandals & intrigue? Between Georgina, Scott, Vanessa, and some other randos I'm surely forgetting, there are enough pointless idiots out there causing trouble in random fashion. We don't need another one.

I have to admit, Vanessa actually made me laugh a little with her descent into Endless Knights geekitude. She should be restricted to exactly that role. Just don't give her any more real plotlines. As for the threesome, Gossip Girl has once again proved that its bite is a hell of a lot lamer than its bark. Another "sexy" scene sanitized to a few quick kisses just to have something to shout about in the promos. I'd say the writers let us down by not making the threesome Chuck-Blair-Nate, but from the ad for next week's show, it's clear that Nate has more sense than to get tangled up in that freak show. Although, didn't Season One's Lost Weekend involve at least ten guys? Seems like Chuck wanted a bit more...intimacy with his buddy Nathaniel this time around. I'm just saying.

Oh, hold the fuck on, Serena--the Captain allows Nate to visit him in prison, and that makes him super-sweet? What about the part where he was going to have his own son take the blame for his cocaine possession? (That happened, right? I think even Nate forgot the time in his life when he had parents.)

And finally. HA! I totally called the brilliance of a Blair/Eric unholy union. Buck up, Eric--Jonathan was totally a Debbie Downer. Don't apologize, don't be the bigger person. Embrace the dark side. Be like Blair.

Erm...did I say something about a "brief" post?

Addendum, a few hours later. I just noticed that the title of this episode is "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?" Oh, if only.


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