Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Five.

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Five.
Yes Man.

So this seemed a lot more current when this series of posts was but a twinkle in my eye. Apparently (for once), my tastes have somehow synced up with those of the American people, and as a result, the ads for Yes Man disappeared off my television almost instantaneously. That doesn't make this movie's mere existence any less heinous.

Jim Carrey? You made this movie already. Over a decade ago. It was called Liar, Liar the first time around, and it was moderately entertaining in a cute, average sort of way. Yes Man looks absolutely tired, boring, and unfunny.

Way to blow all the goodwill you earned with The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, and Eternal Sunshine, dude.


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