Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Three

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Three.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

So I’m including this one somewhat reluctantly. I’ve heard positive reviews from my parents as well as my cubicle neighbor, and I think Cate Blanchett (odd-looking though she may be) is pretty damn talented. But there are four things that bug me about this movie.

1. Brad Pitt. Enough already. I’ve renounced my membership on Team Aniston, but I’m still irked by Brangelina. They’re freaking everywhere, and I can’t stand to look at either of them anymore. This is totally unfair in that their tabloid ubiquity has no bearing on their acting abilities, but I’m sick of them and really have no desire to watch 159 minutes of Brad Pitt, especially if he spends significant portions of the movie looking old and gross, which totally misses the point of being Brad Pitt.

2. The Plot. I know it’s based on a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who is awesome, but the whole premise strikes me as silly. I know, insight into the human condition and how we think about age, blah blah blah, what if we changed our perceptions…it’s dumb! What if somebody lived backwards? Yes, it would be very different and difficult, but so would it be if we had pine cones for ears. It’s way too implausible to hold my interest.

3. 159 freaking minutes.

4. The Oscar Movie. This is sort of a Catch-22, but I really have a hard time getting into the movies that are basically requesting an Academy Award. The movies that make serious, dramatic pronouncements about how profound their stories are, and how subtly sophisticated their actors are, and aren’t we just so precious? Obviously, being an Oscar contender means a movie must be pretty good, but when they strike me as being totally transparent in their efforts to get the little statue, I really can’t be bothered.


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