Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Laptop Saga

In Which I Explain Why I Have Been So Totally Lame in Posting Updates. Part 2 of 2.

Maybe this should be titled, "In
Which I Regretfully Explain Why I Will Continue to Be So Totally Lame in Posting Updates." Because there's this laptop. Actually now there are two.

Almost exactly one year ago, to the day, I had a fo-realzies crisis when I knocked over my coffee mug, spilling it all over my laptop. It shut down and wouldn't reboot, I removed the battery and prayed for it to dry as I dashed out of my room to take a final exam. I'm pretty sure that the drama of the meltdown affected how I did on that test, but whatever--it was History of Rock. I also had four take-home finals that semester (by far the least awesome part of taking all humanities classes)--I'd already finished & handed in one of them; I hadn't made a dent on two of the others and was willing to take up residence at a library computer to bang them out; but there was this one take-home, due THAT DAY, of which I'd already written all 11 pages, save for one (honestly, ONE) concluding paragraph. I was sure that it had disappeared, and that I'd have to write the whole thing over again.

I ran to the professor's office and left her a note, used the library computer to get her office number (and Sony/Windows support), and she was actually really nice about it, offering an extension for a few days, which would give me time to....ugh, write the whole monstrous thing over. That turned out not to be an issue--after one horrifying night, my computer came back to life, files intact and everything. I finished the rest of my finals in a fit of paranoia, saving to Google Documents whenever I wrote more than seven words at a time.

Problem solved, right? How does this problem affect my ability to blog now?

Well, no. The coffee (and, probably more significantly, the sugar therein) ground my laptop down to a slow but intractable halt, and I recently had to invest in a new one. I hate spending that much money, but I figured the time to do it is before I add rent to my list of expenses. That was about a month and a half ago, but apparently there's a curse on me and my computer(s) that takes effect at exactly this time of the year. I suspect Santa is to blame.

This time I have no explanation for what's happened, but I can't have my computer on for more than ten minutes before it freaks out and refuses to do anything. I called Sony support and tried restoring it to factory settings, but that seems to have erased Windows entirely. Super! Anyway, now I'm waiting for them to send me a box so I can send my computer to be repaired, and I won't have internet access except at work, and on the shared home computer.

So that's my long-winded way of telling you that despite my best intentions and previous promises (see Part 1 of the Saga), I might not be able to post as often as I want to. Hopefully Sony can actually help me, and this will be a super-short-term problem. I will continue to make an effort to post from the home computer (where I'm sitting now), but rare is the moment when I can sit here for more than five minutes without a parent or sibling whining that they absolutely need the computer this instant. So...we'll see how this goes. My pledge for consistently scheduled blogging will absolutely take effect the minute I have my own computer back in working order. Until then, say a little prayer for my Sony, or light a candle for it, or perform a Wiccan chant--whatever it takes to bring that motherfucker back to life.


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