Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Four

Five Movies I Have Absolutely No Desire To See – Number Four.
The Arrested Development Movie.

No, I'm totally kidding.

I am super-pumped for the Arrested Development movie that's apparently in the works, and nothing could possibly keep me theory. There's just one thing that worries me, though, and it's that there's apparently one hold-out on the cast who won't sign on for the movie. And rumor has it that it's recently independently famous Michael Cera.

Everybody on Arrested Development is talented and crazy funny, so losing any of them would be too bad. But most of the characters are so batshit crazy that you could plausibly dump one or two of them and write it off with some wacky excuse. Tobias is at Carl Weathers' stage fighting camp; Lindsay & Lucille are back in rehab...anything, really.

George Michael provides the sanity and normalcy that helps ground the show, though, so I'm worried that this movie won't live up to its absolutely kick-ass potential without him. If Michael Cera is too much of a diva to do this movie, the only feasible option as I see it is to go way over the top with ridiculousness in casting and get the other George Michael to play the part. You know, the singer-songwriter. (Double bonus points and my undying affection go to anybody who gets that reference.)


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