Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Firstly, I apologize for the lame title for the post--there's no way I'm the first person to come up with that.

I didn't watch more than ten minutes of the first season of the reincarnated 90210, because of 1) the godawful acting, 2) the inane writing, and 3) oh my GOD, did I mention the acting? And I definitely don't plan on starting, on the basis of the crap-ass commercial that's been running on the CW lately. Allow me to recreate the moment for you:

Blandly Handsome Blond Tennis Pro: I like the way you handle balls.
29-Year Old Woman with a Smoking-Induced Baritone Pretending to be a High School Girl: The way you say that, it almost sounds sexual.

Really, "writers"? Really? That's the "joke" you decided to go with? Apart from the fact that a tennis/balls joke is silly and painfully obvious, it's been done to death. And not only is this lame attempt at humor nowhere near as awesome as "There goes her social life" (which is something like 15 years old now, by the way), it's...it's not really a joke, is it? It's just a statement. It's a single-entendre. Smoky the Cheerleader might as well have just walked up to the dude and said, "Innuendo" all seductive-like, because that's exactly how clever & flirtatious the actual line is. Blech.

Here's hoping the new Melrose Place will be less sucky. It does look...um, promising. (I seriously need to start watching True Blood.)


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