Monday, January 26, 2009

Eternal Stupidity

I've been catching up on Lost through Netflix, and at this point I'm very nearly up to date. One or two more episodes, and I'll be ready to watch the new ones as they come. I just have one question about this show...or rather, several questions that all tie back to one big bafflement.

Has John Locke been right about, ever?

I find him so irritating, because he's absolutely convinced that he knows the right way to do things, that this or that stupid thing is his destiny, that things are meant to be this way. And then it all gets shot to shit.

"Oh, Boone has to climb to the plane I saw in my vision...shit, he died."
"Oh, I have to push this button all the time, for it is my destiny...shit, it's pointless."
"Oh, I know. This time, I'll refuse to push the button; that'll show 'em! Shit, everything's exploding."

And people still listen to him! They still treat him like he's an authority figure, as they do Jack (who at least is useful as a doctor), but really they're just a couple of sulking assholes with daddy issues. Maybe the last few episodes of Season 4 will prove me wrong, but my advice to any Lostaways looking for somebody to follow?

Sayid. Dude kicks ass (can kill people with his thighs!); he's one of the few people who demands real explanations rather than muttering pointlessly about the island and destiny and oh-I'm-so-tortured (pun honestly not intended); and, my word, does he ever look good in a tank top.


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